integrapptor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
integrapptor copied to clipboard

A browser integrating all your apps in one place

What is it about?

Integrapptor is born from the idea that all the tools I use for work should be integrate in a single browser app, avoiding having hundreds of tabs opened in your browser and effortlessly switch to a different app.

With Integrapptor, you can create your own app integrating all you need.

Intregapptor image

Release Note


  • configurable urls
  • quick access with shortcuts
  • support for http auth basic

Create your own

Edit the config.json to fit your needs and build it with:

npm install
npm run build

You're now ready to create package for your os:

npm run package-osx
npm run package-win
npm run package-linux


  • Toggle the menu: 'Alt'
  • Select an app: 'Alt' + 'first letter of the group' + 'app number'

Intregapptor image
