Michael Joseph Rosenthal
Michael Joseph Rosenthal
The problem with rebroadcasting subscription results when the cache changes is that subscriptions are already a stream, so semantically each should be treated as a separate event. A rebroadcast would...
@msal4 if you aren't already have familiar with Isolates, take a look at [Isolate 2-Way Communication](https://medium.com/@lelandzach/dart-isolate-2-way-communication-89e75d973f34) and other articles. In terms of implementation guidance (from someone who knows very little...
unnecessary – discovered an alternate solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20241145/2234013 fixed by #827
nevermind – the work tree solution is super janky and only locally applied
> Now that we've migrated to using `gql_links` in `4.0.0-beta.1` (#648) there is a `dio` link, which apparently supports `http2`. I'm not sure how well it works with `graphql/client.dart` yet,...
We do have a `QueryLifecycle` which could be improved and exposed better https://github.com/zino-app/graphql-flutter/blob/bdec86c45973ac6ee2dd70fe15e1e4378533b455/packages/graphql/lib/src/core/observable_query.dart#L13-L23 future ref: [apollo "Inspecting loading states" docs](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/data/queries/#inspecting-loading-states)
related to #798.
How much we can break code out into links is still relatively unexplored. The `gql_link` system is stream-based, and has routing capabilities, meaning one link could handle polling, and another...
This is probably something we'll leave in the 3rd party link / "userland" world.
To go a bit more in-depth: if someone wrote a link that detected `@defer` in the request, and handled merging and re-emitting updated responses as they were returned, then we...