I think I am experiencing the same issue when walking up and down a stack trace. It seems this issue is reproducible with the same content (lines of code). Line...
@cansarigol Yes, it solved my issue. Thank you!
Hey @pxpm, ```php class Order extends Model { use CrudTrait; protected $guarded = ['id']; public function cart_items() { return $this->belongsToMany(CartItem::class, 'vandrawee_work.cart_items_orders', 'order_id', 'cart_item_id')->withPivot(['id', 'quantity', 'discount_percent']); } ``` ```php class CartItem...
No, unfortunatelly using `fillable` instead of `guarded` does not change anything. I have dug deeper and found that the pivot table entries are pruned in the following lines of code:...
Hey @pxpm, thank you for taking a deeper look at this. I am not sure this is the case you are describing. The primary key of the pivot table is...
Currently I am working on a custom SDK for ESP32 without FreeRTOS (or at least a subset with SPI and I2C drivers). That will probably take a lot of time....