Michelle Ma
Michelle Ma
**Tasks** - [ ] Update the events Reference: https://github.com/gitcoinco/grant-hub/pull/171/files Note: these changes need to be made before we deploy to testnet and production
**User Story** As a project owner, I want to see round details before I apply to a round so that I can apply for the correct round **Acceptance Criteria: **...
**Tasks** - [x] Deploy frontend to Fleek - [x] Have subdomain ([granthub.gitcoin.co](http://granthub.gitcoin.co/)) point to the deployed frontend
Description: Want to 1) Be able to support multiple wallet types (beyond Metamask) when signing in or creating an account on Grant Hub 2) Handle for switching between chains/networks (Grant...
Link to mocks: https://www.figma.com/file/obBzCCL8KwoTlVBb5g3ccN/Grant-Hub---Wireframes?node-id=1552%3A5864 (see v9 w Design System version) Tasks: - [ ] Update error states on create project, edit project, & application pages - [ ] Add general...
**Tasks** Bugs: - [ ] Card preview for an edited project doesn’t update on Project Dashboard until the page is explicitly refreshed - [ ] After refresh, the previously uploaded...