mbonat_site copied to clipboard
This is my (old) personal website. I built it in Ruby on Rails with Haml and other tools. Includes: portfolio section, resume, speaking, and blog with the most recent blog post on the home page. It's...
This is the personal website for Michelle Bonat, built by her (me).
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Postgres (OSX users can run
brew install postgresql
) - bundler (
gem install bundler
) - Ruby 2.2.2
- Any environment variables you prefer to setup and use
bundle install
- (start your Postgres db)
rake db:create
(TODO: create seed data) - (remember to migrate which in a Rails 4 app is
rake db:migrate
To create an initial admin user, fire up rails c
and do the following:
u = User.create(username: "Whatever", password: "foo123456", email: "[email protected]", password_confirmation: "foo123456")
u.is_admin = true
Running the server
rails s
Running the tests
There are pre-seeded rspec tests. To run these it is 'rspec spec' from your command line.
More about the tests
These pre-seeded tests are based on factories for posts and users, and include feature, model, and policy tests. See the RSpec folder for details.
Since this is a Ruby application, deploying it to Heroku is easy.
- Getting Started on Heroku with Ruby - Here is a good step by step from Heroku.
Built With
- Ruby
- Rails 4
And the usual suspects including:
- Html
- Javascript
This was built by Michelle Bonat. It's not currently open for contributions, but I would love to hear any comments and suggestions about how you have modified this code. Contact me through the methods noted below.
- Michelle Bonat - Initial work - Contact me through michellebonat.com or on GitHub
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details