Continuous-Architecture-Toolkit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Continuous-Architecture-Toolkit copied to clipboard

For Digital and Agile enterprises wanting to leverage the architecture discipline to better steer their transformation journey while coping with the exponential flow of changes, Continuous Architectur...

= Continuous-Architecture-Toolkit // Metadata: :description: Toolkit Elaboration Guide :keywords: guide :main-title: Continuous Architecture Toolkit // Settings: :icons: font :idprefix: :idseparator: - :preface-title: :numbered!: :sectlinks: :sectanchors: :stylesdir: ./css :scriptsdir: ./js :imagesdir: ./img // GitHub admonitions: // Test 2 ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: pass:[ℹ] :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[]


== Purpose

For Digital and Agile enterprises wanting to leverage the architecture discipline to better steer their transformation journey while coping with the exponential flow of changes, Continuous Architecture Toolkit provides materials (posters, kits, roles description, rituals) to frame the new way of doing architecture and accelerate the change management among architects, delivery and operation teams.

== Gouvernance

See link:governance/governance.adoc#governance[Governance].

== How to contribute

We aim to make contributing to Continuous Architecture Toolkit a pleasant and enriching experience for all participants, and we welcome contributions of all kinds. Anyone can contribute to the project, regardless of their skills.

Check out our link:governance/governance.adoc#governance[Governance] for information on how to get involved.

=== Building the Continuous Architecture website on your machine

==== Asciidoctor and Jekyll

The[Continuous Architecture landing page] is built with[Jekyll], the content with[Asciidoctor]. The website building is done with Docker image of Jekyll (in which the jekyll-asciidoc plugin is used as specified in the Gemfile) to avoid any specific environment trouble. The website static HTML files are generated in the dist directory.

==== MacOS

  •[Install Docker Desktop]
  • Run the script at the directory root with either "build" or "serve" parameter. ** build will generate the files in the dist directory ** serve will allow you to view the generated website in your browser[] as long as the container is running
  • if you only want to generate html files from the asciidoc sources, you can use the script

== License

Continuous architecture materials are distributed under Apache License 2.0 apart from some illustrations which are distributed under Ceative Common Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) image:[].

Please, refer to the link:LICENSE[Apache license file] and link:[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License] for further information.

[[MAINTAINERS]] == Maintainers

Continuous architecture toolkit was initially developed by mailto:[email protected][Thierry Fraudet] & mailto:[email protected][Olivier Jauze] from Michelin and by mailto:[email protected][Nicolas Chevalier] from Gluendo to setup an agile architecture operating model and to support the Michelin digital journey.

They were quickly joined by a group of enthusiasts from DXC, Société Générale and others sharing the same ideas about the evolution of architecture in the world of information system design and this project is now maintains by the following core group of people:

note: sadly, Jean-Marc Bunouf passed away before the first MVP of our open source project. Even thought he couldn't make it to the end, Jean-Marc greatly contributed to our project and we're all very thankfull to him.