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πŸ¦€ Express.js/Fastify middleware and virtual host for multi-tenant Next.js applications

Results 12 krabs issues
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Hi all, I've run the example projects as documented in the readme as well as the video and simply cannot get them to work. browser returning "This site can’t be...

It seems like middleware is not working. Any reason why?

Hi there! I am currently working on a project that uses Next.js and I want to make use of Krabs for a multi-tenant approach. One thing I wanted to do...

How I can override the 500 response when a request comes from an unlisted tenent?

help wanted
good first issue

Hi Michel! I watched your video and have implemented a 2 tenant nextjs krabs based express server. I want to keep as much as possible within SSG. I'm having trouble...

Hi, it seems this lib doesn't support Next.js internationalized routing [](url). Is there any way to solve it?