CadregaLisp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CadregaLisp copied to clipboard

🍎 Just another useless programming language, but with inganno.

🍎 CadregaLisp 🍎

There are only two kind of people. Those who wants to write LISP in Brianzolo Dialect and those who lie.

Getting Started

Clone the repository on your machine and then run the make script

$ git clone [email protected]:micheleriva/cadregascript.git
$ cd cadregascript
$ make

Now you should be able to access the REPL

$ ./brambilla
🍎 β–Ά (ciapa x 5)
🍎 β–Ά (+ x 10)
🍎 β–Ά (ciapa-che! x 10)
🍎 β–Ά (= x 5)
#Γ¨ minga vera
🍎 β–Ά fΓ¨rmes


Haskell Lisp Cadrega
True #t #Γ¨ vera
False #f #Γ¨ minga vera
let define ciapa
N/A? set! ciapa-che!
(+) + e
(-) - men
(*) * per
div / divis
mod % modul
quot quot quosient
rem rem rest
== = stess
< < minur
> > magiur
/= /= minga-istess
>= >= magiur-e-istess
<= <= minur-e-istess
&& && quindi
|| || senΓ²
(==) string? lacc=?
(<) string<? lacc<?
(>) string>? lacc>?
(<?) string<=? lacc<=?
(>?) string>=? lacc>=?
