FlashWavRecorder copied to clipboard
Simple flash file for recording audio and saving as a WAV
Simple Microphone Recorder
Use flash to record audio data from a microphone. Converts the audio data to a WAV file. Uploads the WAV file to the server. The WAV file is POSTed as a multpart form-data request. Additional fields can be added to the request, such as authenticity_token, (response) formart, etc... The flash recorder creates serveral external interfaces. This allows the recorder to be controlled through javascript. Only the save button must be clicked inside the flash application, see Upload and download require user interaction for more information.
There are two pages demonstrating embedding the audio recorder:
Embedding the Recorder
window.fwr_event_handler = function(eventName) {
// handling logic here
var appWidth = 24;
var appHeight = 24;
var flashvars = {'upload_image': 'images/upload.png'};
var params = {};
var attributes = {'id': "recorderApp", 'name': "recorderApp"};
swfobject.embedSWF("recorder.swf", "flashcontent", appWidth, appHeight, "10.1.0", "", flashvars, params, attributes);
The fwr_event_handler
is a javascript function that is called from the flash application. The first argument to the function is always the name of the event as a string. The other arguments may vary depending on the event.
Flash vars
upload_image: image used as the save button
font_color: font color for the save text, default #0000EE
font_size: font size for the save text, default 12
save_text: text used for the save link, default Save
background_color: background color of the flash app, only used when using a save link
if upload_image failes recorder will use a save link instead
Flash Events
ready: recorder is ready for use
- width - save button's width
- height - save button's height
no_microphone_found: no microphone was found when trying to record
microphone_user_request: user needs to allow the recorder to access the microphone
microphone_connected: user allowed access to the microphone
microphone_not_connected: user denied access to the microphone, at this point the recorder CAN NOT be used until the user reloads the page
permission_panel_closed: user closed permission dialog
recording: recording audio data from the microphone
- name - of the recording that was specified when record was called
recording_stopped: stopped recording audio data
- name - of the recording that was specified when record was called
- duration - of the recording as a floating point value in seconds
playing: playing back the recorded audio data
- name - of the recording that was specified when play was called
playback_started: useful for synchronizing playback with animation
- name - of the recording that was specified when play was called
- latency - number of milliseconds before playback starts
stopped: stopped playing back the recorded audio data
- name - of the recording that was specified when play was called
playing_paused: paused playing the recorded audio
- name - of the recording which was playing
Uploading recorded audio
save_pressed: save button was pressed in the recorder, good place to update the form data in the recorder
- name - of the recording
saving: upload is in progress
- name - of the recording
saved: upload is complete
- name - of the recording
- response - from the server as a string, can use var data = jQuery.parseJSON(arguments[2]) if response is json
save_failed: the recorder failed to upload the audio data
- name - of the recording
- error - message as a string
save_progress: upload progress
- name - of the recording
- bytes_loaded - number of bytes uploaded
- bytes_total - number of bytes to upload
Observing microphone level
observing_level: started dispatching "microphone_level" event
Is dispatched just after call of observeLevel
microphone_level: current Microphone level
- level - value from 0 to 1 provides current volume of sound registered by microphone
observing_level_stopped: stopped dispatching "microphone_level" event
Is dispatched just after call of stopObservingLevel
Obtaining raw microphone samples
observing_samples: started dispatching "microphone_samples" event
Is dispatched just after call of observeSamples
microphone_samples: current buffer of microphone samples
- samples - array of values from -1 to 1
observing_samples_stopped: stopped dispatching "microphone_samples" event
Is dispatched just after call of stopObservingSamples
Recorder JS Interface
record: tells the recorder to record audio data from the microphone
- name - of the recording, basically a reference to the recording, use this name for playback
- filename - [optional] if saving the file on the server, this is the name of the file to save the WAV file as
stopRecording: tells the recorder to stop recording
playBack: tells the recorder to playback the recorded audio
- name - of the recording
playBackFrom: tells the recorder to playback from given second in recorded audio
- name - of the recording
- time - point in recording to start playback (Float of seconds).
pausePlayBack: tells the recorder to pause playback of recorded audio
- name - of the recording
stopPlayBack: tells the recorder to stop playback
duration: returns the duration of the recording
- name - of the recording
getCurrentTime: returns current time in recording playback
- name - of the recording
getBase64: returns WAV data of recording in form of Base64 string
- name - of the recording
getBlob: returns WAV data of recording in form of Blob object which can be used to send recorded audio to server (via JavaScript) or save on user's local drive
- name - of the recording
Returns number of seconds as float. For paused recording returns pause position, for stopped recording returns 0.
observeLevel: starts dispatching microphone_level
stopObservingLevel: stops dispatching microphone_level
observeSamples: starts dispatching microphone_samples
stopObservingSamples: stops dispatching microphone_samples
init: setup the recorder for saving recordings
- url - upload url
- field_name - name of the form field for the WAV file
- form_data - additional form data. Specified as an array of name/value pairs. ex: [{"name": 'authenticity_token', "value": "xxxx"}, {"name": "format", "value": "json"}]
showPermissionWindow: show the permissions dialog for microphone access. The function also enlarges flash object to be 240x160 (the minimum size of flash application which allows displaying settings dialog).
The function called with {permanent: true}
option, displays flash settings dialog with "Remember" option, which allow granting permanent microphone access for the site.
show: show the save button
hide: hide the save button
update: update the form data
- form_data - additional form data, in jQuery you can use $('#upload_form').serializeArray()
configure: configure microphone settings
- rate - at which the microphone captures sound, in kHz. default is 22. Currently we only support 44 and 22.
- gain - the amount by which the microphone should multiply the signal before transmitting it. default is 100
- silence_level - amount of sound required to activate the microphone and dispatch the activity event. default is 0
- silence_timeout - number of milliseconds between the time the microphone stops detecting sound and the time the activity event is dispatched. default is 4000
setUseEchoSuppression: use echo suppression
- yes_no
setLoopBack: routes audio captured by a microphone to the local speakers
- yes_no
isMicrophoneAccessible: returns true if microphone is connected and user has allowed use microphone.
Gradle Build
Set environment variable FLEX_HOME (compiled with Flex SDK 4.6.0 on windows)
Build with gradlew dist
Change Log
Releases history is available on FlashWavRecorder releases page.
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