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Zabbix maps icon generator.
Zabbix maps icon generator.
Tool for generating icon pack to use with Zabbix maps. It simply combines all png's from icons directory with all png files from status directory (default statuses are: DISABLED, ERROR, MAINTENANCE, OK) and saves them in output directory. Can be installed by-hand or using generated SQL scripts on sql directory.
This repository includes some Tango-styled icons.
- mgs_zbxicons requires python3 with pillow libraries (PIL), install it with pip or your package manager
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Put your icons to "icons" directory or use already provided. Filename (without png extensions) will preserve as Drop-down names of icon.
- Put your statuses to "statuses" directory.
- Check usage and all available options:
python3 ./mgs_zbxicons -h
- To generate icons and sql scripts run:
a) For mysql/mariadb backend:
python3 ./ -e mysql
b) For posgresql backend:
python3 ./ -e psql
- Transfer mgs_zbxicons-mysql.sql or mgs_zbxicons-psql.sql to you zabbix mysql/postgresql server.
- Import generated sql files to database engine:
a) For mysql/mariadb backend:
mysql -u zabbix_user -h zabbix_dbhost -p zabbix_db < ./mgs_zbxicons-mysql.sql
b) For postgresql backend:
psql -h zabbix_dbhost -U zabbix_user zabbix_db -f mgs_zbxicons-psql.sql
Procedure is the same as instalation procedure.