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AOS causing horizontal scroll bar to appear
This is:
- Bug
- Feature request
- Question
- Idea
- AOS version:2.3.4
- OS:win7
- Browser:firefox
Expected Behavior
No horizontal scrollbar
Actual Behavior
AOS causing horizontal scroll bar to appear when browser window is sized under 1000px or so.. seems to happen on the data-aos="fade-right" and data-aos="fade-left". When the container is say 800px wide and the browser is around 850-900 a horizontal scrollbar will appear until you scroll down and the effect is done.
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
Detailed Description
Possible Solution
overflow: hidden; for that container, and we can wait for the fix.
Yep,the same problem.
Same issue here. Usning bootstrap4 ".container-fluid" and rows with data-aos="fade-right" and data-aos="fade-left".
overflow: hidden; for that container, and we can wait for the fix.
or perhaps because fade-right and fade-left is the case, overflow-x: hidden; would be the best
Same problem.
This will never be fixed... this library should be erased and not used.
Not solved yet. I can't use overflow-x: hidden because the navbar goes out beyond the page
Sadly, same problem here. I'd to use overflow-x:hidden on mobile to solve it.
overflow-x: hidden; on the body fixed it for me.
I used overflow-x: hidden in the mother div and solved the problem, excellent library.
Same for me on any size with text-align: center;
I have this issue but only chrome and mobile. overflow-x:hidden doesn't seem to fix it. (its fine on firefox)
overflow-x: hidden; on the body fixed it for me.
SAME HERE ! thanks ! that was a life saver !!! my div position is absolute, so it seems that the parent div overflow:hidden would not work ! (maybe ! not sure really why)
And what about the shadow of elements that get's hide due to overflow:hidden of parent div?
header, section { width: 100%; float: left; overflow: hidden; }
Well, for me the overflow: hidden thing worked only on desktop view.. but on mobile, I fixed it with something similar... My whole HTML body is divided into sections..
That's what I put in my CSS file -=And worked fine on mobile=- : section { overflow:hidden; }
Body never worked, using overflow hidden on section was perfect.
overflow-x: hidden; in body alone didn't fix. Had to include following meta tag too
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"
I used overflow-x: hidden in the mother div and solved the problem, excellent library.
works for me
Firstly ı'm so sory for my bad lang. I've same problem. "overflow-x in aos". I many tried but ı finally find. I set css html, body max-width : 99%. In this way works it. Only loss %1 width. İf u dont worry for this, maybe u can use.
overflow-x: hidden; in body alone didn't fix. Had to include following meta tag too
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"
This absolutely works for my problem, thanks bro!!!!
overflow: hidden; for that container, and we can wait for the fix.
thank you very much, it works
Or you can begin animation from another side xD
overflow-x: hidden; in body alone didn't fix. Had to include following meta tag too
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"
this works for me, thanks buddy
overflow-x: hidden; in body alone didn't fix. Had to include following meta tag too
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"
Thank you so much! it worked.
overflow-x: hidden; in body alone didn't fix. Had to include following meta tag too
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"
This totally worked for me , only using overflow-x:hidden hides some elements of navbar so use the meta tag for complete working
For this to work, add overflow: hidden to html.
html, body{ overflow: hidden}
.container { overflow: hidden; } add css only "container", not html or body. worked for me.
i'm using vue with php, each page has a div with id=app, the following works for me:
body, #app { overflow-x: hidden; }
I guess it just needs to add a overflow-hidden class to a container that wraps around the elements with aos applied hope this helps
Unfortunate that this isn't resolved, still. I tried the meta name tag, no dice.. but, overflow-x: hidden on html and body resolved it. I've using a media query to only implement for mobile screens.
@media (max-width: 992px) { html, body { overflow-x: hidden !important; overflow-y: visible !important; } }