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discrepancy in timeIndex data
On windsurfers network, timeIndex[0]['edge.col'] is set to a single-item array, with the value of rgba(169,169,169,1). But since i expect all edge/node properties to be arrays of all active nodes/edges, i am only applying this property to edge id 1. Is this what is intended? I could detect for single-item arrays and apply those values to all edges/nodes - goofy, but I think it would work, since the only overlap with normal behavior is when there's only one item anyway. Ideally, properties that should be applied to all active items should be either in a separate data object, have a decorator on the key (i.e. global.edge.col or something) or a single value as opposed to an array (although that would be tricky due to some values being arrays - I'm already hitting that issue with the graph-level properties).
this is the bug with the edge attribute replication I was mentioning yesterday. I believe I've fixed it. re-rendering example objects and will commit