Michał Cukierman

Results 34 comments of Michał Cukierman

This code creates a pipeline with the source-processor-sink. Sink ACK triggers source ACK. ``` @ApplicationScoped public class Processor { private final AtomicLong inCount = new AtomicLong(0); @Incoming("requests-in") @Outgoing("dump-out") @Blocking PulsarOutgoingMessage...

I've faced similar problem today. With a shared subscription, ackTimeout and receivers queue=8. I was able to read some of the messages (around 100, and the consumer get stucked). I...

I can reproduce the issue on my system now. Using build from master from Monday. I have a topic using `3` partitions with `1100013` messages. The client and the consumer:...

> I've removed: > ``` > .ackTimeout(ackTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS) > ``` > from my code, the consumer is able to read the messages now. > Looks like using ackTimeout may cause...

Just did some diff, this may be related: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18478/files

I've created #21104 as it looks like original issue is broker related.

It looks like there are two different issues. I do ack all the messages. I will work on creating isolated, reproducible setup as a part of issue Ive created (client...

If the missing are only about Admin's Tools part, we probably can put a low priority on it (if it's not an easy fix). WebSight Admin Tools have been released...

Some components does not have visible titles, maybe we could even allow to add a title only to be able to mark it here. The same title could be displayed...

Hey @wildone ! I think you can add a header to SlingMainServlet in the feature model. We use custom headers in www.ds.pl: ``` "configurations": { ... "org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingMainServlet":{ "sling.additional.response.headers":[ "X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff", "X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN",...