ethereum-bip44-python copied to clipboard
Python code to generate Ethereum addresses from a hierarchical deterministic wallet according to the BIP44 standard.
Ethereum BIP44 Python
*Code adapted from two1 library for bitcoin by 21 Inc. (
Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
from crypto import HDPrivateKey, HDPublicKey, HDKey
BIP32 Master Keys Creation:
master_key, mnemonic = HDPrivateKey.master_key_from_entropy()
print('BIP32 Wallet Generated.')
print('Mnemonic Secret: ' + mnemonic)
Accounts creation
Creation of multiple accounts under master key derived from seed phrase. Compatible with Metamask. You can just restore your wallet with seed phrase and get access to all the accounts under master key via Metamask.
from crypto import HDPrivateKey, HDKey
master_key = HDPrivateKey.master_key_from_mnemonic('laundry snap patient survey sleep strategy finger bone real west arch protect')
root_keys = HDKey.from_path(master_key,"m/44'/60'/0'")
acct_priv_key = root_keys[-1]
for i in range(10):
keys = HDKey.from_path(acct_priv_key,'{change}/{index}'.format(change=0, index=i))
private_key = keys[-1]
public_key = private_key.public_key
print("Index %s:" % i)
print(" Private key (hex, compressed): " + private_key._key.to_hex())
print(" Address: " + private_key.public_key.address())
Get Account XPUB
master_key = HDPrivateKey.master_key_from_mnemonic('laundry snap patient survey sleep strategy finger bone real west arch protect')
root_keys = HDKey.from_path(master_key,"m/44'/60'/0'")
acct_priv_key = root_keys[-1]
acct_pub_key = acct_priv_key.public_key
print('Account Master Public Key (Hex): ' + acct_pub_key.to_hex())
print('XPUB format: ' + acct_pub_key.to_b58check())
Get Address from XPUB
acct_pub_key = HDKey.from_b58check('xpub6DKMR7KpgCJbiN4TdzcqcB1Nk84D9bsYUBhbk43EjRqH4RTjz7UgGLZxcQ4JdHBSHDmTUDLApMwYHRQCbbMCPQEtcbVofZEQjFazpGPT1nW')
keys = HDKey.from_path(acct_pub_key,'{change}/{index}'.format(change=0, index=0))
address = keys[-1].address()
print('Account address: ' + address)
Get 64 Character Private Key from XPRIV
print(Private key (hex): " + private_key._key.to_hex())