task-force-arma-3-radio copied to clipboard
TFAR makes connection lost
Arma 3 Version: `the latest stable version CBA Version: the latest stable version Task Force Radio Version: version 1.-1.0.325 Mods: - not important for this issue
- @CBA_A3
- @task_force_radio
- Add a detailed description of the error: When i go in the TFAR Channel on my Teamspeakserver i and many other TFAR Users have an connection lost from teamspeak - reconnect after a little time - and have then again after some seconds a connection lost - so the issue ist: I join the channel - Connection lost - connected - connection lost.......... BUT when i RESTART the Teamspeak Server then it works
Steps to reproduce: join with the TFAR at my server in the tfar channel..... - i only join and after join i lose connection
- Add the steps needed to reproduce the issue.
Where did the issue occur? self hosted multiplayer - TS3 VPS
RPT log file: i dont know what the RPT log ist or where i find but here a big ts log:
a support/reply in german would be perfect
@derneueuser have you fixed the issue?
@derneueuser have you fixed the issue?
no still have the problem
This sounds more like a problem with how your teamspeak server is set up. It could be whatever host you're using for your teamspeak server.
Have you tried using another teamspeak server?