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Build tooling for web development. Integrates Jekyll with Gulp.js, BrowserSync, PostCSS, Stylelint, and more.
Jekyll + Gulp.js + BrowserSync + PostCSS + Stylelint
- PostCSS with postcss-advanced-variables, postcss-preset-env (includes Autoprefixer), postcss-nested, CSS MQPacker, and cssnano.
- UnCSS for production.
- Jekyll build and rebuild with BrowserSync live reload.
- Browserify or just gulp-concat, as you prefer.
- Optimization (and minification) of images, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, and XML files.
- Linting with JSHint and Stylelint.
- Extensive Stylelint config, based on my code-guide.
- Sourcemap generation.
- Responsive image creation, or image resizing, through either GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick.
- Image sprites.
- Gzip compression.
- Asset file revisions.
- WebP image generation.
- Deployment with rsync or s3_website.
What’s Coming Next
- User-guide
- Modularizing the default Jekyll theme, to make use of the new 7-1 pattern
- JSON-LD generator
Note: Use asdf-vm to install and manage versions of Node.js and Ruby. Alternatives like
, andrbenv
can be used as long as there’s a.nvmrc
, etc. file.
Node.js. Currently developed against Node.js 8.11.4
Ruby. Currently developed against ruby 2.5.3
Bundler, install with:
gem install bundler
Clone the repository and change into the gulp-jekyll
folder. Run:
npm install
npm run bower install
Open gulp/config.js
and change settings if needed.
Create development build with live-reload:
npm start
Create production build with preview:
npm run build
Deploy latest production build through rsync:
npm run stage
Deploy latest production build on AWS:
npm run s3:push
Dry-run (preview) a deployment on AWS:
npm run s3:dry
CSS File Organization
gulp-jekyll uses a 5-1 pattern, which is abstracted from the 7-1 pattern. 5 folders, 1 file to compile them all in a single CSS file.
|- utilities/ # Configuration and helpers
| |- _variables.css # Global variables
| |- _functions.css
| |- _mixins.css
| …
|- vendor/ # Third-party CSS
| |- _normalize.css
| …
|- base/ # Boilerplate code
| |- _reset.css
| |- _base.css
| |- _typography.css
| …
|- layout/ # Global wireframe (macro)
| |- _header.css
| |- _navigation.css
| |- _sidebar.css
| |- _footer.css
| …
|- components/ # Modules (micro)
| |- _buttons.css
| |- _cards.css
| |- _tables.css
| …
`- main.css # Main file to import everything
- gulp-jekyll started out as a fork of Stefan Imhoff’s wonderful Gulp.js series.
- Michael Xander