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Is it possible to...
So is it possible to skip the first step where my members would have to insert the URL of my humhub installation? So basically I can have an app specifically for my site. Users download the app and can immediatly login to my humhub without entering the URL.
In this case you had to write your own app. In future I only can imagine, that it exists a database, where each humhub-installation is stored (e.g. automatically when you install a certain module) and the user can get the right humhub-installation by tyiping the first chars of your company/association etc.
Or do you have any other ideas?
I would appreciate to get some help for this undertaking
I don't have experience in app development, only some PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript. So I'm not sure how to go about doing this but I can imagine this:
Have some sort of "config" file where if the "default humhub installation" is empty, the user of the app has to manually insert the humhub URL or select from a database like you suggested. But if the config file does have a default installation setup (done by the owner of the humhub installation) then instead of that first screen where the user has to insert the URL, you will see a simple splash screen with a button they have to press (LAUNCH or LOGIN or something like that) to go to the next screen where they actually have to login.
Basically an if/else statement based on the config whether the owner of the app/site has inserted the humhub URL already.
Again, I have no experience in app dev, but since you do I hope this gives you an idea on how to do this.