hybrid-smart-contract-kit copied to clipboard
Hybrid Smart Contract Kit
Hybrid Smart Contract Kit
A hybrid smart contract consists of on-chain and an off-chain component. The on-chain component is implemented in a smart contract language such as Solidity. The off-chain component can be a data oracle or a computation. The Chainlink framework enables both off-chain data acquisition and off-chain computation in a decentralized way.
This repository demonstrates how to set up a local hybrid smart contract development environment and provides brief, working, illustrative examples from Chainlink's documentation to help developers get started developing hybrid smart contract without the quirks. Unless otherwise indicated, all commands are understood to be run from the project root directory. The instructions have been tested on macOS 11.6, Linux Mint 20.2, and Zorin OS 16. Windows is not supported.
Clone Chainlink Repository
- Define an environment variable
pointing to the directory the Chainlink repository will be cloned to. Ideally, this lies outside the directory to whichhybrid-smart-contract-kit
has been cloned. - Navigate to the parent directory of
. - Remember to restart your terminal or resource your environment file.
- Run
git clone https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink
. Here are official instructions for reference:https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink#install
. - Change into
directory and rungit checkout master
. - Remember to navigate back to the
root directory.
Define Local Avalanche Blockchain Storage Directory
- Create an empty directory into which avalanchego should save the blockchain.
- Store this directory in an environment variable called
. - Remember to restart your terminal or resource your environment file.
Define Local Ethereum Blockchain Storage Directory
- Create an empty directory into which geth should save the blockchain.
- Store this directory in an environment variable called
. - Remember to restart your terminal or resource your environment file.
Install Python Package in Editable Mode
- Run
pip install -e .
Add Networks to Brownie
- Run
brownie networks add Avalanche avax-avash host= chainid=43112 explorer=https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/
Binance Smart Chain
- Run
brownie networks add Ethereum binance-smart-chain host=https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org chainid=56
Polygon Mumbai Matic Testnet
- Run
brownie networks add Ethereum mumbai host=https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/ chainid=80001 explorer=https://mumbai-explorer.matic.today
Local Ethereum Blockchain Node
- Run
brownie networks add Ethereum local host=http://localhost:8545 chainid=1337
Install Avalanche Client Software
- On Linux, follow the instructions at
, i.e.
sudo su -
wget -O - https://downloads.avax.network/avalanchego.gpg.key | apt-key add -
echo "deb https://downloads.avax.network/apt bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/avalanche.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install avalanchego
- On MacOs, download the binary from
and install
Install Ethereum Client Software
- On Mac, via homebrew, run
brew install geth
. - On Linux, follow the instructions at
Start Local Ethereum Node
- From the project's root directory, navigate to
and run./startGeth.sh
Start Local AvalancheGo Node
- From the project's root directory, navigate to
and run./start_avalanche.sh
. - To make sure that the node is running, execute
Set Up Local Avalanche Test Account (Only Required the First Time on the Local Testnet)
- The following steps are taken from these instructions:
- Navigate to
. - Run
to create a userAvalanche
with passwordAva-123;X5
. - Run './check_x_chain_balance.sh' to check the balance on the X-Chain
- Run './check_c_chain_balance.sh' to check the balance on the C-Chain
Set Up MetaMask
Connect MetaMask Wallet to Polygon Mumbai Matic Testnet
- Network Name: "Mumbai Matic"
- New RPC URL: "https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/"
- Chain ID: "80001"
- Currency Symbol (optional): "ETH"
- Block Explorer URL (optional): "https://explorer-mumbai.maticvigil.com/"
Connect MetaMask Wallet to Local AvalancheGo Node
- Network Name: "Avalanche Local"
- New RPC URL: "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc"
- Chain ID: "43112"
- Currency Symbol (optional): "AVAX"
- Block Explorer URL (optional): ""
Connect MetaMask Wallet to Local GETH Node
- Network Name: "Localhost 8545"
- New RPC URL: "http://localhost:8545"
- Chain ID: "1337"
- Currency Symbol (optional): "ETH"
- Block Explorer URL (optional): ""
Add Dev Account for Local GETH Node
- In MetaMask select
Import Account
and paste the private key0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
. - Name the account
Local GETH Development Account
Add Dev Account for Local AvalancheGo Node
- In MetaMask select
Import Account
and paste the private key0x56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027
. - Name the account
Local Avalanche Development Account
Transfer 10000 ETH on Local Ethereum Node From Coinbase To Development Account
- Navigate to
and run./sendEth.sh
. - Remember to navigate back to thehybrid-smart-contract-kit
root directory.
Transfer 10000 AVAX Each on Local Avalanche Node from Pre-Funded Account to Dev Accounts
- Run
- In the following, replace
, depending on the blockchain.
Deploy LINK Token Contract (Only Needs to be Done on Local Networks, not Public Ones) and add to MetaMask
- Either run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/deploy_link_token.py --network <NETWORK>
or- On GETH, run
. - On AvalancheGo, run
- On GETH, run
- Copy the address at which the LINK token has been deployed, click
Import tokens
in MetaMask below the list of all coins and tokens, and paste into the fieldToken Contract Address
. Finally, clickAdd Custom Token
Deploy Oracle Contract (Needs to be Done on both Local and Public Networks)
- Either run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/deploy_oracle.py --network <NETWORK>
or- On GETH, run
. - On AvalancheGo, run
- On GETH, run
Deploy Operator Contract (Needs to be Done on both Local and Public Networks)
- Either run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/deploy_operator.py --network <NETWORK>
or- On GETH, run
. - On AvalancheGo, run
- On GETH, run
Modify /etc/hosts
on Linux
- On Linux only, associate
via this line in/etc/hosts
: localhost host.docker.internal
Important: Stop a Postgres Service on the Host Machine on Port 5432 Before Running the Docker Container
- Run
systemctl stop postgresql
Build Chainlink Node (This only needs to be done the first time!)
- On Mac, from the project root directory type
docker build -f chainlink/chainlink_dockerfile --tag chainlink_node .
to build a docker image for the chainlink node. - On Linux, add
before the docker command. - For GETH:
- On Mac: Create container from docker image:
docker run --name chainlink_geth -p 6688:6688 -p 5432:5432 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it --env-file=chainlink/local.env -v $CHAINLINK_PATH:/chainlink chainlink_node
. - On Linux: Create container from docker image:
sudo docker run --name chainlink_geth -p 6688:6688 -p 5432:5432 --network=host -it --env-file=chainlink/local.env -v $CHAINLINK_PATH:/chainlink chainlink_node
- On Mac: Create container from docker image:
- For Avalanche
- On Mac: Create container from docker image:
docker run --name chainlink_avalanche -p 6688:6688 -p 5432:5432 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it --env-file=chainlink/local.env -v $CHAINLINK_PATH:/chainlink chainlink_node
. - On Linux: Create container from docker image:
sudo docker run --name chainlink_avalanche -p 6688:6688 -p 5432:5432 --network=host -it --env-file=chainlink/local.env -v $CHAINLINK_PATH:/chainlink chainlink_node
- On Mac: Create container from docker image:
- Compile chainlink:
- Change into
folder. - Run
yarn install
. - Run
make install
- Change into
- In
folder run./chainlink node start -p /cla/.password -a /cla/.api
. - In a web browser navigate to
. - Login with username
[email protected]
and passwordpassword
. - Navigate to gear icon, select
Key Management
, and copy the regular account address. - For Geth, store the copied account address in an environment variable
. - For Avalanche, store the copied account address in an environment variable
To Start the Chainlink Docker Container After the First Setup
- Start a new terminal or resource your environment file.
- On Linux, remember to add
before the docker command. - In the following, the placeholder
refers tochainlink_avalanche
for Avalanche andchainlink_geth
for GETH. - To start a stopped container, type
. - To attach a terminal, type
. - Navigate to
folder viacd chainlink
. - In
folder run./chainlink node start -p /cla/.password -a /cla/.api
Transfer 1000 ETH from Local Development Account to Chainlink Node Account and Set Fulfillment Permission on Oracle Contract
- Run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/fund_chainlink_account --network <NETWORK>
Testnet Consumer
Adapted from https://github.com/sourabhrajsingh/chainlink-remix-workshop/blob/master/ATestnetConsumer.sol
Add Get > Uint256 Job on Chainlink Node
- In a browser, navigate to the Chainlink management console at
. - Select
and clickNew Job
. - To display the oracle contract address, run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/print_contract_addresses.py --network <NETWORK>
. - Paste the contents of the file
into the job description and replaceYOUR_ORACLE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
with the address at which the oracle contract has been deployed. - Click
Create Job
Deploy A Testnet Consumer Contract and Fund With LINK Tokens
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/deploy_testnet_consumer.py --network <NETWORK>
Initiate Request of Ether Price from Oracle (i.e. call ATestnetConsumer contract which calls the Oracle contract)
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/make_testnet_consumer_request.py --network <NETWORK>
Read Data Returned By Chainlink from A Testnet Consumer Contract
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/read_testnet_consumer_result.py --network <NETWORK>
Crypto Compare External Adapter
Originally created by Thomas Hodges and published on GitHub at https://github.com/thodges-gh/CL-EA-Python-Template
Start and Test the Web Service Running the External Adapter
- To start the web service, run
python -m hsck.crypto_compare_ea.app
. - To test the web service, run
pytest hsck
. - To see the output from a post request, run
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8082/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": { "from": "ETH", "to": "USD" } }'
Add Bridge to Crypto Compare External Adapter on Chainlink Node
- Log in to the Chainlink web management console.
- Navigate to
and clickNew Bridge
. - Enter
underBridge Name
. - Enter
underBridge URL
Add CryptoCompare Job on Chainlink Node
- In a browser, navigate to the Chainlink management console at
. - Select
and clickNew Job
. - To display the oracle contract address, run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/print_contract_addresses.py --network <NETWORK>
. - Paste the contents of the file
into the job description and replaceYOUR_ORACLE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
with the address at which the oracle contract has been deployed. - Click
Create Job
Initiate Request To Crypto Compare External Adapter
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/make_crypto_compare_ea_request.py --network <NETWORK>
Read Data Returned By Chainlink Node via Crypto Compare External Adapter
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/read_crypto_compare_ea_result.py --network <NETWORK>
Multi Word Consumer Example
See the Chainlink documentation for background information at https://docs.chain.link/docs/multi-variable-responses/
Add Multi Word Consumer Job on Chainlink Node
- In a browser, navigate to the Chainlink management console at
. - Select
and clickNew Job
. - To display the operator contract address, run
brownie run scripts/infrastructure/print_contract_addresses.py --network <NETWORK>
. - Paste the contents of the file
into the job description and replaceYOUR_OPERATOR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
with the address at which the operator contract has been deployed (not the oracle address!). - Click
Create Job
Deploy Multi Word Consumer Contract and Fund With LINK Tokens
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/deploy_multi_word_consumer.py --network <NETWORK>
Initiate Request of Ether Price in USD, EUR, and JPY from Operator
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/make_multi_word_consumer_request.py --network <NETWORK>
Read Data Returned By Chainlink from Multi Word Consumer Contract
- Run
brownie run scripts/oracle_example/read_multi_word_consumer_result.py --network <NETWORK>