clojure-bootstrap copied to clipboard
Sample minimal ring/compojure app that you can start fro and deploy to cloudbees
A good starting point for lein and ring powered clojure apps - for deployment to cloudbees.
You can also use for one that uses Jenkins to build/test.
If you don't have a CloudBees account - get one one:
<button onClick="javascript:window.location='';">

lein do clean, deps, ring server
This will start the app - and open a browser. Hack away, press refresh, no need to restart unless you udpate dependencies etc. ('do' means do a list of things in lein terms)
To deploy to cloudbees:
- Open project.clj - give your project a cloudbees-app-id
- Then go to and get your credentials - punch them in (see project.clj).
From then on:
lein cloudbees deploy
lein cloudbees list-apps
lein cloudbees
Be happy.
The cloudbees plugin ( is used here for deployment (no runtime dependency, of course).
Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Neale