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DSL-driven RDBMS interface for Java.


DSL-driven RDBMS interface for Java:



Maven Status

Github Workflow

Design principles

  • JPA-annotation based configuration.
  • DSL-style API reads like English.
  • Support raw SQL for very complex query.
  • No "attach/dettach".
  • All entities are simple POJOs without proxy-ing.

Database Support

  • MySQL 5.x


Maven dependency:


Warpdb is built on top of Spring-JDBC. JdbcTemplate or DataSource is required when build warpdb instance:

<bean class="com.itranswarp.warpdb.WarpDb" init-method="init">
    <property name="basePackages">
    <property name="jdbcTemplate" ref="jdbcTemplate" />

Or using data source:

<bean class="com.itranswarp.warpdb.WarpDb" init-method="init">
    <property name="basePackages">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />

Basic Usage

Fully JPA Annotation Support

Entities are configured with JPA annotation:

public class User {
    String id;

    String name;


Query by primary key:

// get user, or throw EntityNotFoundException if not found:
User user = warpdb.get(User.class, "123");

// get user, or return null if not found:
User another = warpdb.fetch(User.class, "456");

You have to provide multiple values if multiple id columns are defined:

Product p = warpdb.get(Product.class, "p123", "c456);

Warpdb supports criteria query and raw SQL query, both are type-safe:

List<User> users = warpdb.from(User.class)
        .where("name=?", "bob")

Get first result or null if not found:

User user = warpdb.from(User.class)
        .where("name=?", "bob")

Query for update:

User user = warpdb.selectForUpdate()
        .where("id=?", 123)

Using raw SQL:

List<User> users = warpdb.query("select * from User order by name limit 100");

Paged Query

Warpdb supports paged query by specify page index and page size:

// page 3, 10 items per page:
PagedResults<User> pr = warpdb.from(User.class)
        .list(3, 10);
System.out.println(pr.page.pageIndex); // 3
System.out.println(pr.page.itemsPerPage); // 10
System.out.println(pr.page.totalPages); // 92
System.out.println(pr.page.totalItems); // 912
List<User> list = pr.results; // current page items

A paged query will generate 2 SQLs when execute list(pageIndex, pageSize):

SELECT * FROM User ORDER BY updatedAt limit 20, 10


Using insert() to insert one or more entities:

User user = new User();
Product product = new Product();
warpdb.insert(user, product);

Batch insert

Using insert(List<T>) to do batch save entities.


Using update() to update one or more entities:

User user = ...
Product product = ...
warpdb.update(user, product);

Batch update

Using update(List<T>) to do batch update entities.


Using remove() to remove one or more entities:

User user = ...
Product product = ...
warpdb.remove(user, product);

Batch remove

Using remove(List<T>) to do batch remove entities.


Enum Support

Enum is stored as VARCHAR(50) in database:

public class User {
    RoleEnum role;

Attribute Converter

Values used in Java and db can be converted by attribute converter:

public class User {
    // stored as "DATE" in db:
    @Convert(converter = LocalDateConverter.class)
    @Column(columnDefinition = "date")
    public LocalDate birth;


Listeners must be added as entity method with annotation PostLoad, PrePersist, PostPersist, PreUpdate, PostUpdate, PreRemove, PostRemove:

public class User {
    String id;

    long createdAt;

    public void prePersist() {
        if (this.id == null) {
            this.id = nextId();
        this.createdAt = System.currentTimeMillis();

Schema Export

Using getDDL() to export schema:

String ddl = warpdb.getDDL();

or get schema for one entity:

String ddl = warpdb.getDDL(User.class);