MplusAutomation copied to clipboard
The MplusAutomation package leverages the flexibility of the R language to automate latent variable model estimation and interpretation using Mplus, a powerful latent variable modeling program develop...
The TECH4 output differs in case when MLR is used with imputated datasets. Usually it is uppercase, e.g., ESTIMATED CORRELATIONS, but when reporting mean across m datasets the TECH4 output...
I have fitted the model as described in Chapter 9.9 in the MPlus User Guide titled "EXAMPLE 9.9: TWO-LEVEL SEM WITH CATEGORICAL FACTOR INDICATORS ON THE WITHIN LEVEL AND CLUSTER-LEVEL...
Using version 1.0, I do not get Chi-Sq values when data type is imputed files. I traced the code and it is using the section headers for MI analysis type,...
There is a section of output I would like to extract from my `.out` files that is currently not supported by `MplusAutomation`. It would be so great if there was...
Using MPLUSAUTOMATION I wonder if it is possible to obtain three digits from the models' fit indices when using the HTMLSummaryTable command. Reviewers are asking me for three decimal positions...
With V. 1.0 the following code in R makes Mplus have errors in the data (detected because Mplus complained that a categorical variable had too many values). data_split remove_all_labels() |>...
Hi, thanks for the fantastic package. I am using MplusAutomation to teach but I am using the free demo version of Mplus Unfortunately MplusAutomation does not work out of the...
Dear maintainers, I ran a latent profile analysis with covariates. readModel extracts some of the parameters of the covariate analyses, but not all of them. If, for example, you apply...
Many MplusAutomation functions print to the console using a combination of `message()` and `cat()`. This causes undesirable behavior when using MplusAutomation in RMarkdown files; it is exceedingly difficult to mute...
As per title ``` library(mice) imp