tribeca copied to clipboard
no data at Web UI
The web UI does not work.
I have been performing Manual Installation in Windows environment. In addition, the following log appears.
Cannot GET /log
I have difficulty working because I am not a programmer. I need help.
After reinstalling the mongoDB v4, it changed to the image below.
My tribeca.json code is as follows.
"TRIBECA_MODE": "prod",
"EXCHANGE": "HitBtc",
"TradedPair": "XRP/USDT",
"MongoDbUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/tribeca",
"WebClientUsername": "NULL",
"WebClientPassword": "NULL",
"WebClientListenPort": "3000",
"ShowAllOrders": "false",
"HitBtcPullUrl": "",
"HitBtcOrderEntryUrl": "wss://",
"HitBtcMarketDataUrl": "ws://",
"HitBtcSocketIoUrl": "",
"HitBtcApiKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"HitBtcSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"HitBtcOrderDestination": "HitBtc",
"CoinbaseRestUrl": "",
"CoinbaseWebsocketUrl": "wss://",
"CoinbasePassphrase": "NULL",
"CoinbaseApiKey": "NULL",
"CoinbaseSecret": "NULL",
"CoinbaseOrderDestination": "Coinbase",
"OkCoinWsUrl": "wss://",
"OkCoinHttpUrl": "",
"OkCoinApiKey": "NULL",
"OkCoinSecretKey": "NULL",
"OkCoinOrderDestination": "OkCoin",
"BitfinexHttpUrl": "",
"BitfinexKey": "NULL",
"BitfinexSecret": "NULL",
"BitfinexOrderDestination": "Bitfinex"