carbon.vim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
carbon.vim copied to clipboard

A Vim port of the IntelliJ Carbon theme


Welcome to Carbon

This is a (Neo)Vim port of the Carbon theme for IntelliJ IDEs by Luis Fernando Jiménez.


Using your plugin manager of choice, add the following to your .vimrc or init.vim.

Plug 'michaeldyrynda/carbon'

Then run :PlugInstall.

You can clone the repository and manually copy or link the theme to your ~/.vim/colors or ~/.config/nvim/colors folder.

git clone
cp carbon.vim/colors/carbon.vim ~/.vim/colors

Or you can just use good old fashioned copy and paste from GitHub into ~/.vim/colors/carbon.vim or ~/.config/nvim/colors/carbon.vim.


Contributions to the colour scheme are most welcome. As a PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript developer myself, my focus when creating this theme was making it pleasing for those languages, however, the theme will work for most languages and file types out of the box.

File type-specific additions and changes to the theme are appreciated.

A theme-compatible lualine.lua configuration is also included, for those of you using lualine.


PHP Sample PHP

HTML/Blade Sample HTML/Blade

CSS Sample CSS

React Sample React

Vue Sample Vue

Go Sample Go

Ruby Sample Ruby

Python Sample Python