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An overview of Complex Event Processing Systems


An overview of Complex Event Processing Systems (CEP)

System First Release Successor Papers Source Code Comment
Aleri acquired by Sybase in 2010
Alert 1991 [SPAM91]
Aurora 2002 [BBC+04], [CCC+02], [ZDC03] Download developed by Brandeis University, Brown University, and MIT
Medusa 2003 [ZDC03] Download
Borealis 2005 [AAB+05] Download developed by Brandeis University, Brown University, and MIT
CAPE (Constraint-exploiting Adaptive Processing Engine) 2004 D-CAPE [RDS+04], [WAL+07] ✘, although anounced in 2009 developed by Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Cayuga 2007 Johka [DGP+07] Download developed by Cornell University
CEDR (Complex Event Detection and Response) 2006 StreamInsight [BCM06]
CEPiL 2010 Papers research project by University of Stuttgart and GeorgiaTech
Cisco Prime ?
Cougar 2001 [BGS01], [Yao03] developed by Cornell University
Coral8 2001 [Mor08] acuqired by Aleri in 2009
D-CAPE (Distributed Constraint-exploiting Adaptive Processing Engine) 2005 RLD [SLJR05] developed by Worcester Polytechnic Institute
DejaVu 2011 [DFT11] developed by ETH Zürich
Elastic Operator 2009 [SAG+09] based on SPADE
Elastic StreamCloud 2012 [GJPPM+12] developed by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Elastic System S 2012
Esper 2012 Download (partly)
Flexstream 2009 [HCK+09]
Fujitsu Big Data CEP Server 2009
Gigascope 2003 [CJSS03a], [CJSS03b]]
Global Sensor Networks 2003 [AMS06] Download
Heron 2015 [KBF+15] developed and used by Twitter
Hitachi uCosminexus Stream Data Platform 2010 [HIA+10]
HybMig 2007 RTM Analyzer [YKPS07]
IBM InfoSphere Streams 2015 SPADE [BBF+10]
Johka 2009 [BGHJ09]
Lucent QTM 1998 [BBKS98b]
MavStream 2004 [JC04], [JIA07], [JC06], [JAC07]
Microsoft StreamInsight 2011 [ACGS11]
MillWheel 2013 [ABB+13] developed and used by Google
Naiad 2013 [MMI+13] Download developed by Microsoft
Nephele Streaming 2012 [LWK14] Download
NiagaraCQ 2000 [CDTW00], [NDM+01]
Nile 2004 Nile-PDT [HMA+04]
Nile-PDT 2015 [AAB+05b]
Odysseus ? ?
OpenCQ 2015 [LPT99]
Oracle CEP ?
Oracle CQL ? Oracle CEP
OSIRIS-SE 2005 [BSS05]
Pipes 2015 Hybmig [CHK+03], [KS04], [KS05], [Krä07] developed by University of Marburg
Predator 1998 [Ses98]
Pulsar ? Esper [KBF+15] uses internally Jetstream, which is based on Esper
Rapide ? ? developed by Stanford University
RLD ? ? ?
RTM Analyzer ? SoftwareAG WebMethods BE
S-Net 2010 [GSS10]
S-Store 2015 [KBF+15]
S4 2010 [NRNK10] Download First Yahoo! S4, later Apache S4
Samza 2015 [KBF+15], KK15 Download
SAP ESP ? ? ?
SAS Event Stream Processing ? ? ?
SASE 2007 [DSA07] developed by UC Berkeley and UMass Amherst
SEEP 2010 [MEB+10]
SGuard ? ? ?
Software AG WebMethods BE ?
SPADE 2008 InfoSphere Streams [GAW+08]
Spark 2012 D-Streams [ZDL+12], [ZDL+13]
SpoVNet ? ? deveoped by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Stuttgart, University of Mannheim, University of Tübingen
SQLStream 2015 ?
SStreaMWare 2008 [GRL+08]
StatStream 2002 [ZS02]
Storm 2014 Heron [TTS+14]
Stormy 2010 [LHKK12], [Mer10]
Stratosphere 2013 [LAS+13]
STREAM 2015 [ABB+03], [ABB+04] develped at Stanford University
Stream As You Go 2012 [KBRT12]
StreamBase 2010 TIBCO StreamBase [EMR+10] based on Aurora
StreamCloud 2010 Elastic StreamCloud [GJPPMV10]
StreamCruncher ?
StreamGlobe 2004 [KSKR05], [SKK04], [SK04]
Stream MapReduce 2011 StreamMine3G [BMK+11]
Stream Mill 2008 [TMZ08]
StreamMine3G 2014 [MBF14]
StreaMIT 2002 [GTK+02], [GTA06], [Gor10]
Stylus 2015 [KBF15] developed by and used at Facebook
Sybase CEP ? ? based on Coral8 and Aleri
System S 2008 SPADE [Gei13], [GAW+08]
Tapestry 1992 [TGNO92], [Gei13]
TelegraphCQ 2003 [CCD+03], [KCC+03]
TIBCO BusinessEvents ? ? ?
TIBCO StreamBase ? ?
TimeStream 2015 [QHS+13] based on StreamInsight
TinyDB 2002 [MFHH02], [MFHH03]
Tribeca 1998 [SH98]
Truviso 2015 Cisco Prime [KFD+10]
WSO2 CEP Server ?
ZStream 2015 [MM09]