angularUtils copied to clipboard
To get current page values
Hi, thanks for contributing!
This project is maintained in my spare time, so in order to help me address your issue as quickly as possible, please provide as much of the following information as you can:
- Title: Please indicate the module in question, e.g. "dirPagination: X is broken when Y"
- If reporting on dirPagination, please include the version you are using (can be found in the package.json / bower.json file)
- If you are able to reproduce your issue on Plunker, this will vastly increase the chances of a rapid response from me.
-- Michael
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Expected result:
Actual result:
Demo: (for dirPagination, fork and modify this Plunk:
Any relevant code:
Hi, How to get current pages values using pagination??
current-page (optional) Specify a property on your controller's $scope that will be bound to the current page of the pagination. If this is not specified, the directive will automatically create a property named __default__currentPage and use that instead.
dir-paginate="expression | itemsPerPage: (int|expression) [: paginationId (string literal)]"