SuperRecord copied to clipboard
SuperCoreDataStack has no flexibility and doesn't support multi-threading
SuperCoreDataStack assumes your backing store is named the same as your App name. Additionally it uses the Apple boiler-plate and does not support any CoreData configuration other than a single main thread context.
Calls also require an explicit mention of either defaultStack or inMemoryStack... this pattern needs improving to a single line of setup in the AppDelegate on app launch.
It should firstly allow the user to specify which stack to use. Something like:
SuperCoreDataStack.setup(type: SuperRecordStackType, storeURL: NSURL = someDefault)
So you can do...
or something like the following.
//let sharedURLForAppGroup = NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier("com.someidentifier")
let sharedURLForCloud = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier("com.someidentifier")
SuperCoreDataStack.setup(.persistentStore, sharedURLForAppGroup)
which gives the user much more flexibility.
This will also make the stack: property in all related calls purely optional and an override of this setting.
I will begin this part of the work today.
The threading model i'll open a separate issue for as I have some ideas which i'd like to share and get commentary back on.
Add a delegate to handle error saving context.