Michael Ring
Michael Ring
binutils for avr-embedded are missing, I can provide them (see above)
http://temp.michael-ring.org/signedtools.zip I have started adding some extratools like st-link and avarice, keep them out if you do not like to also put those in the cross/bin tree.... also, feel free...
Do not yet invest too much time in this, I will have to doublecheck signed binaries for x86_64 on Darwin and some patch that needs to get applied for gdb...
TnX, did some building, avr has the same issue as for Darwin-x86_64, rtl_extras asre built and faill... ``` Also xtensa-freertos fails: fpcupdeluxe: info: FPCCrossInstaller (BuildModule: FPC): Building module FPC... fpcupdeluxe:...
Still not working: Looking for: CrossLibsFreeRTOSXtensa Looking for libs in: https://api.github.com/repos/LongDirtyAnimAlf/fpcupdeluxe/releases/tags/crosslibs_v1.3 ...
I have spent quite some time on making gdb & other tools link static so that they can be codesigned without issues (don't ask.... it was a mess)... Github repo...
why not..., it really does not matter to me, I used cross/bin because the binutils and gdb are also there. What will I have to do to create something that...
Building xtensa now worked. From my point of view aarch64 is ready for prime-time, close this bug if you like...... I will create a new issue for integration develtools4fpc when...
On aarch64 things work as expected, I get the message that the app was downloaded from the internet and after accepting that fpcupdeluxe starts and I could successfully rebuild fpc+lazaraus+embedded....
fpc specific tool: https://github.com/neurolabusc/NotarizeFPC