Michael Osipov
Michael Osipov
For me, this won't happen before October.
Not now, please read: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Maven+Ecosystem+Cleanup#MavenEcosystemCleanup-MavenResolver
> > Null impl does not mean that a method returns null. It means that the class and method does nothing - no behavior. I don't understand that. How can...
I would love to know this as well because I think that almost everything is now available out of the box from Maven ecosystem.
> Hopefully we can retire this plugin this year and have everything by default available.
I won't review this before October
Will look into this as soon as my other open PRs are merged. @kwin Please ping me by ned of next week.
This causes failures with master: ``` [ERROR] RewritePomsForDevelopmentPhaseTest.testRewriteBasicPomWithGitFromTag:292->AbstractReleaseTestCase.comparePomFiles:248->AbstractReleaseTestCase.comparePomFiles:254->AbstractReleaseTestCase.comparePomFiles:271->AbstractReleaseTestCase.comparePomFiles:287->AbstractReleaseTestCase.comparePomFiles:350 Check the transformed POM D:\Entwicklung\Projekte\maven-release\maven-release-manager\target\test-classes\projects\rewrite-for-development\basic-pom-with-git-from-tag\pom.xml Expected text value 'original-label' but was 'release-label' - comparing original-label at /project[1]/scm[1]/tag[1]/text()[1] to release-label at /project[1]/scm[1]/tag[1]/text()[1] [ERROR]...
Since this fix isn't really Subversion-specific, because it affects all SCMs, can you add a Git-based test too?
True, since we have those counterparts in code, would it make sense to have your new tests to match in amount, shape and naming?