Michael Brade

Results 59 comments of Michael Brade

I see. Good idea, but also a bit of a challenge: many if not most of the libraries have not been ported to Vue 3 yet, like Bootstrap, vuetify, tables,...

By creating the `geometry.ls` package :laughing: Yeah, that's a TODO I guess. For now, raw LaTeX code works: ```latex \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in} \setlength{\textwidth}{614pt} ``` But that would mean you won't see the...

Hi, thank you :-) No, I did not implement that yet but there is no reason LaTeX.js couldn't support it. And yeah, I would LOVE to work on support for...

@Mahdi-Roozbahani which library do you mean? this as in LaTeX.js or tikzcd?

I see. Well, it won't be me for the time being.... Once \includegraphics works, you can include SVGs as a workaround.

@dzackgarza Sure. I am completely independent of the real LaTeX. Imagine it that way: I am reimplementing LaTeX's syntax in JavaScript. So I can choose what syntax produces which result,...

Hm. Giving up is never the best solution :-p I like your idea, so giving the CLI an inline option to create the HTML with all assets included would be...

Oh, I see.... "JavaScript heap out of memory" means we should probably simply run node with `node --max-old-space-size=8192`. Making two files is good, but I would have done it exactly...

Yes, you are right. I remember there was a limitation when using webcomponents, but I cannot quite remember. I will do some research again and then document it here in...

Thanks! I guess this one would be as easy as adding a `package/amsmath.ls` with an empty AmsMath class or so. AMS is supported by KaTeX, which is part of LaTeX.js....