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Add simple navigation helpers to middleman static site generator
This gem adds simple helpers to Middleman static site generator to add navigation menus and breadcrumbs.
This version of the gem requires Middleman 3, and renders using Simple Navigation and its helpers.
The implementation and options are significantly different from earlier versions! If you'd like the old approach, see the tag for v0.2.
add the gem in your Gemfile:
gem "middleman-navigation"
run bundler
bundle install
include it in your config.rb file
activate :navigation
The gem adds a menu helper to Middleman.
Automatic generate menu reading pages at project root folder.
= render_navigation
The behaviour of the menu can be changed by adding options to your pages' frontmatter.
weight: 80
title: Custom Title
hidden: false
Here you have the actual page source
hidden: option explicitly remove the current page from it's parent menu. By default all pages with an underscore in the beginning or end of their source file name are hidden
weight: is used to alter the order of the links in the navigation menu (the smaller the weight, the earlier the page will be listed)
title: is used to set a custom title to menu, default to file name
Root Item
The site root is now included by default in the navigation. If you'd like it to be hidden, you can set hidden to true in the frontmatter for the index page. Unlike other pages, the children of the hidden index page will still be visible!
Because it seems like the most reasonable semantic HTML, the site root is included at the same level as its children, at the beginning of the list. That doesn't support using weight to sort, but that could change if it becomes desirable.