Maybe this is more constructive (read it like a call stack): 1. When the input is a TOmniBlockingCollection and Into() is used, TOmniParallelLoopBase.InternalExecuteIntoOrdered() will call localQueue.GetNext(position, value). localQueue is of...
Hi, thanks for the report, but I the error description is not helpful. Can you post the complete error message?
This repository doesn't include a package for Delphi 11 yet. You created it by yourself using LIBSUFFIX $(Auto), which is good. Maybe you only created the new package after installing...
Googling for your error message lets me believe the problem is neither D11 nor DSPack specific: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39726735/cant-load-package-s-error-while-installing-a-package I think I can't help you any further. But let me know what...
I have the same problem, also with other event types (framerate and proctime [or should i write proc_time?]). This bug makes the plotting currently unusable. One has to look in...
What error message do you get?
Maybe it is also a good idea to offer a generic way to set CURL options.
Found [format description](http://decks.wikia.com/wiki/Anki_APKG_format_documentation). Apparently, `.apkg` files are zipped sqlite databases.
Duplicate of #34