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Vim 32-bit and 64-bit releases for Windows

AppVeyor build status Bintray download

IMPORTANT: this project is abandoned since an official daily updated 64-bit installer for Vim is available.

Vim for Windows

Vim 32-bit and 64-bit releases for Windows including support for the following interfaces:

You need to download and install these softwares to use the corresponding interfaces in Vim. Once installed, add their libraries to your PATH (except for Python 2):

  • add Lua root folder to load lua53.dll;
  • add Perl bin folder to load perl526.dll;
  • add Python 3 root folder to load python37.dll;
  • add Racket lib folder to load libracket3m_bkrfgg.dll;
  • add Ruby bin folder to load msvcrt-ruby250.dll on 32-bit or x64-msvcrt-ruby250.dll on 64-bit;
  • add Tcl bin folder to load tcl86t.dll.

Terminal support is also available (see :h terminal).