Miguel Caballer Fernandez
Miguel Caballer Fernandez
Hi @titansmc, Sorry but we do not have too much documentation yet. Basically it checks that there is no pod (system pods are ommited) running in the node. It is...
Hi @tkald, It is a bug of the cpyutils package (grycap/cpyutils#3).
Hi @tkald, We have commited a fix to the cpyutils error. Coul you try to download the last version and test it again?
Hi @tkald, As you said the regex was not prepaired for IP strings. Also there was a bug in the DB connection. I have uploaded a fix in cpyutils.
Hi @tkald, Sorry for this failure it was may fault in one line. Now it should work.
Hi @tkald, No information is stored in the DB untill there is any change in the information: A node state changes, a node is disabled, etc. If the tables has...
Hi @sean-abbott, We have added two new variables to manage this situation. See commit: 9ac8b968caa886da9e790a0ddfd92b5343397b2d.
In case of using the IM in the HA mode. If the infrastructure creation call is made synchronously, and before returning the ID, the status of this infrastructure is gotten,...
Hi @EGI-ILM, I will try to address some of these features separately. But I want first to address the interoperability issues that you are suffering, as it must not happen....
Hi @EGI-ILM, We have implemented most of this functionality. You can test it in the IM devel instance. In case that you create an infrastructure with the im-client tool, you...