Miguel Caballer Fernandez
Miguel Caballer Fernandez
This issue is related with https://github.com/grycap/im-client/issues/89 In the next im-client version, it will be supported.
In RADL and TOSCA, we have added the support to set a name (that may not be unique): https://imdocs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/radl.html#basic-structure
We will add an initial support until full API is available.
The hostname must follow this format: dydns:[email protected]
Server Groups functionality is not implemented in Libcloud OpenStack driver, we should add it: Docs: * https://docs.openstack.org/senlin/pike/scenarios/affinity.html * https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/?expanded=create-server-group-detail#list-server-groups
Hi @enolfc Could you confirm that, in the VM where it is failing, none of this directories exists?: - /etc/sysconfig/ - /etc/default/
Hi @enolfc, I added a workaround to aviod the error. But in ubuntu 20.04 the directory `/etc/default/` afaik must exist.
Hi @bio-computational-lab, If you execute the shown commands manually, do they work? ``` /opt/gridengine/bin/lx-amd64/qconf -shgrpl /opt/gridengine/bin/lx-amd64/qhost -xml -q ```
Dear @daantreurniet, Could you attach the clues logs to check what can be the problem? Best regards.
Bon dia, Yes, Kubernetes is one of the supported CLUES backends: [cluesplugins/kubernetes.py](https://github.com/grycap/clues/blob/master/cluesplugins/kubernetes.py) Best regards.