Michael Bemmerl
Michael Bemmerl
During researching for PR #33 I noticed that for ATOM IDs the code is using the `urn` URI scheme. This is not wrong per se, but IMHO the `tag` scheme...
I think it is time to replace the internal methods `makeHeader()`, `makeChannels()`, `makeItems()`, `makeFooter()` and `makeNode()` with PHP's own functions to generate the XML output. The current methods have some...
Add the ability to remove functions & constants from the CalculationEngine.
There's a new feed [format](https://xkcd.com/927/) in town: [JSON Feed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON_Feed). It would be nice if we could support this format.
The XML spec. clearly states that these chars have to be escaped, and FeedWriter does that. But the [RSS Best Practices](https://www.rssboard.org/rss-profile#data-types-characterdata) recommends using the hexadecimal character reference: A publisher should...
Is there interest for the [sfeed format](https://codemadness.org/sfeed-simple-feed-parser.html), a TAB-separated, plaintext output?
Hello guys, I have a contact with two numbers (mobile and work). When I want to edit a contact through the Dialer app, a number of the contact is mising....
The ```Utils.MakeAbsolutePath()``` breaks UNC paths by adding the drive letter from which the invoking .exe is executed. Example: ```MakeAbsolutePath(@"E:\", @"\\server\share\file.ext")``` Actual result: ```"D:\\server\\share\\file.ext"``` Expected result: ```"\\\\server\\share\\file.ext"``` AFAIK [UNC paths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_(computing)#Universal_Naming_Convention) are...