nest-schedule icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nest-schedule copied to clipboard

Update for Nest 7

Open michaelsogos opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Do you think is ok to update dependencies to nest 7.x ?

michaelsogos avatar Nov 01 '20 11:11 michaelsogos

Hi @miaowing ,

Not a big issue, but each time i update a package with yarn it tell me: [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "@nestjs/common@^6.0.5".

It happens because i'm using NestJS 7.5.x 😄 .

Do you think is ok to update dependencies?

michaelsogos avatar Nov 29 '20 15:11 michaelsogos Why not try this.

hellohejinyu avatar Feb 04 '21 01:02 hellohejinyu

I opened a PR to update it ( since we have the same issue

maxdietrich avatar Sep 01 '21 13:09 maxdietrich

I found that nestjs 7 and 8 have its own scheduler that work pretty similar. I changed my code to use the integrated one.

michaelsogos avatar Sep 01 '21 14:09 michaelsogos