Mikayla Hutchinson

Results 57 comments of Mikayla Hutchinson

Note: the actual issue was that my OpenSSL was out of date.

Note that this makes it VERY hard to figure out why the project isn't loading in VS, because VS just says that the SDK could not be found - it...

FWIW I have [a fully functional MSBuild language service](https://github.com/mhutch/MonoDevelop.MSBuildEditor) that I'm ready to publish as soon as the project system stops blocking it from opening files while a project is...

I think what's actually missing here is the ability to compile for multiple RIDs. TFMs are about the APIs that are available for your code to compile against, RIDs are...

Yes, I think this one should work under the current model. I'll take a look at reproducing it.

I love the goal of this proposal but the new `*String` method names seem odd/ugly. Given the prevalence of these methods, would it be worth considering more radical methods to...

Currently that's not the case - definitions in a schema will always be preferred over inferred definitions, but inference is performed for all files and completion includes all inferred values...

Yup been seeing that for a while. Probably need to add condition parsing support to my parser and ditch that one.

Kinda surprised MD isn't seeing that too - that's MD's condition parser...

The import evaluator does not currently support property functions.