hi, screen reader users don't use the mouse. we use keybord navigation. I use orca the screen reader on linux. up and down arrow keys, screen reader key b to...
when this feature is added, please make sure that the indicator is accessible? something like when moddles are being downloaded a accessible progress indicator is used.
hi, blind screen reader user here, having a virtio sound device instead of a emulated device would really reduce latency. specially important when navigateing with screen readers. also having such...
I also am faceing this issue. no upload progress is displayed. I have moddles localy is there any other way to import them untill a fix is added? I would...
since web to epub uses your browser cache for storage of chapters before packing starts, would it not be easia to get chapters from cache swiftly then rezume fetching from...
ok, my bad, sorry
hi, they don't work. if added with the file extention .gguf I have just tested by adding the moddle to the default moddles directory, restarting the container and it is...