It should just work. 1. You created the volume with zuluCypt? If yes, what version. 2. How long is your password. 3. Is it made up of printable characters only?
Does your password use non latin characters?
If your volume a TrueCrypt volume or a VeraCrypt volume? Unlock the volume using zuluCrypt and then right click the entry on the UI and then select "properties" and post...
>If your volume a TrueCrypt volume or a VeraCrypt volume? > Unlock the volume using zuluCrypt and then right click the entry on the UI and then select "properties" and...
This LibreCrypt [FAQ]( says it can not open TrueCrypt volumes. They didnt mention it but i suspect it also does not support VeraCrypt volumes. zuluCrypt defaults to LUKS volumes when...
Closing this one as "invalid"
Do you use all these programs you are suggesting? Adding support take effort and maintaining the support usually take more effort because it involves looking at old code and first...
This captvty appears to be offered through GUI only and hence can not be supported. Only programs that offers their functionality through CLI can be supported supported.
Do you still have this problem? Unfortunately, i do not use any of the supported distros so i can not test locally.
The FAQ has this[1] entry that explains how to quickly send url to MediaDownloader from a web browser. [1] The context menu on my chrome webbrowser when i right...