How can I show in the relative abundances for each taxa in the phylogenetic map instead of the number of observations (n_obs)?
Hello, Thanks a lot for this wonderful mapper. I have been impressed by it so far. Is there a way to automatically identify clusters of closely connected nodes within the...
Hello, Thank you for this great pipeline! Is there a way to merge all groot reports into a single abundance table in a similar way to ASVs/OTUs tables? Thanks a...
Hello, I there a way to calculate relative abundances of the RGI bwt results for downstream samples comparison?
Hello, Thank you for this amazing tool and your continuous maintenance and support. I ran rgi bwt on some human shotgun metagenomics samples. I would like to know how to...
I was wondering whether there are any plans for a major future update release (v4)?
Version 1.6.1 worked fine for me. After installing Genomad 1.7.1 (fresh install), I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gpfs/work5/0/gusr0570/conda/genomad_1.7.1/bin/genomad", line 6, in from genomad.cli import...
Hello, I would like to run Hecatomb only using the assembly or ctg_annotations module, but I end up with an error. Here is an example code: hecatomb run --reads /reads...
Thank you for this wonderful tool! Should we filter out the host (human) genome before executing the pipeline e.g. using kneadData or fastp? the same also applies to the PhiX...