Michael Keller

Results 93 issues of Michael Keller

Thanks for this library. It would be great as a quick reference to have the examples in the [Vega-Lite gallery](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/) shown using this API. It's a big lift, though, so...

The example in this repo's README says it will produce JSON with a `"mark": "bar",` field. When I run the example, however, this field outputs as: ```json "mark": { "type":...

Hi, I'm curious why the last line in the SQL file for the CDB_EqualIntervalBins includes a `DROP FUNCTION` line? It seems to drop the function that was just created: https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb-postgresql/blob/667ec0e32c7af1edb1dac3249bf7e889ca2176ba/scripts-available/CDB_EqualIntervalBins.sql#L24

Setting the domain via `xDomain`, `yDomain`, `rDomain` or `zDomain` is very similar to setting it via `extents` with the exception that domains set via `extents` skip measuring the extent for...


Sometimes you want to create a chart inside a hidden or small element and so you should be able to suppress the warning about its parent dimensions being negative or...


Pretty easy fix here. On the column chart make these two adjustments: ```svelte $: columnHeight = d => { return Math.abs($yGet(d) - $yScale(0) ); }; ``` and ``` y="{Math.min($yScale(0), $yGet(d))}"...


Sorry if I've missed it somewhere, but is there a linter available to ensure that a document is valid ArchieML and give you a line number where things look broken?...

I'm not getting the results I expected and wanted to see if this behavior is supported and I'm doing something incorrectly or it's just simply not supported. I have to...

I'm running a version higher than Postgres 9.6 and when I try to install this I get the error "version mismatch". It seems nothing higher than 9.6 is supported. Is...

If I see the area chart, for example, and I want to get a version of that going locally, what's the best way to do that? The code sample shows...