alienbreed3d2 copied to clipboard
Min/Max Look
this is the same 'hack' I put in but updated to current Main
I managed to reproduce the issue reported previously in which the projectiles aim vector can get pinned to the maximum up or down view. Pretty lethal with rockets.
I managed to reproduce the issue reported previously in which the projectiles aim vector can get pinned to the maximum up or down view. Pretty lethal with rockets.
do you think it could be something in the auto-aim code causing this?
something odd happens to the player view angle when switching to and from 1x2 pixel mode, it either 'walks' slowly up/down from the original 1x1 mode angle or jumps past the View_LookMin/Max limit set ~if you use keyboard look controls~.
the only issue I have encountered are with the normal auto aim sending projectiles where you do not want them to go (the ceiling/floor directly above/below of where you are standing.
I have tested this just now usimg the auto map centre as a temporary crosshair. I have tested fullscreen 1x1 and fullscreen 1x2 both with and without letterboxing.
I have not had any issues other than a slight drift above or below the "crosshair" over large distances (i.e. the wide open courtyard with the two wasps in Level O). Given the precision of some of the fixed point aritmetic, I think this is acceptable.
I have not been able to reproduced any problems that are not the fault of auto-aim.
I am happy that this works. Good work!