SBO-video-extension copied to clipboard
Add download all button
I just used jQuery and a regex function to download all videos. I'm too lazy to click on each video.
It's probably a horrible idea but here goes:
// regex function for jQuery -
jQuery.expr[':'].regex = function(elem, index, match) {
var matchParams = match[3].split(','),
validLabels = /^(data|css):/,
attr = {
method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ?
matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr',
property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels,'')
regexFlags = 'ig',
regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''), regexFlags);
return regex.test(jQuery(elem)[attr.method](;
// find all low quality links and click on them.
$(':regex(title, Audio file.*)').next().each( function(index, element) {;
There is probably a better way than this and it relies on jQuery. But it seems to work fine.
would you please tell me how to get this to run, I'm still noob
Yeah sure.
First open up the console on your browser (Ctrl + Shift + C). Paste these lines until they do not show an error (this loads jQuery and creates the regex function):
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";
// ... give time for script to load, then type (or see below for non wait option)
jQuery.expr[':'].regex = function(elem, index, match) {
var matchParams = match[3].split(','),
validLabels = /^(data|css):/,
attr = {
method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ?
matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr',
property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels,'')
regexFlags = 'ig',
regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''), regexFlags);
return regex.test(jQuery(elem)[attr.method](;
Then the rest of the code should run:
// find all low quality links and click on them.
$(':regex(title, Audio file.*)').next().each( function(index, element) {;
There is a much better way I'm sure. But I was too lazy to go through the code to see how it works.
I just used jQuery and a regex function to download all videos. I'm too lazy to click on each video.
It's probably a horrible idea but here goes:
// regex function for jQuery - jQuery.expr[':'].regex = function(elem, index, match) { var matchParams = match[3].split(','), validLabels = /^(data|css):/, attr = { method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ? matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr', property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels,'') }, regexFlags = 'ig', regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''), regexFlags); return regex.test(jQuery(elem)[attr.method](; } // find all low quality links and click on them. $(':regex(title, Audio file.*)').next().each( function(index, element) {; });
There is probably a better way than this and it relies on jQuery. But it seems to work fine.
Thanks for sharing this information
I've tried to make it easier to read and added a delay (as sometimes I found a lot of videos and it started downloading like 300 videos one after the other at full speed and chrome was crashing under the huge amount of total downloads.
Now to the code
First add jquery as shown above:
var jq = document.createElement('script'); jq.src = "";
wait for it to load and
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jq); jq.src = "";
This works and is tested:
add this method in console:
function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }
then add this function (modify title as you need and 10000 with the sleep milliseconds you need)
async function downloadvideos() { var links = jQuery("a[title*='Video file with width']:last-child"); var i; for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { await sleep(10000); links[i].click(); } }
then launch
If you want to download a particular quality try
`jQuery("a[title*='Video file with width:']:nth-child(6)")
where at the place of 6 you put the desired quality (1 audio, 6 is the highest)
I also tried to do a one liner with jquery but it seems that setTimeout has big troubles with .each of jquery.....
I give you code, someone might want to fix it or to play with it with the aforementioned sleep function and maybe it works (replace 1000 and the selector with what you need);
function download(index, element) {setTimeout( function() {console.log(1000*index)}, (1000*index))};
jQuery("a[title*='Video file with width: 960'").each(function(index, element) { download(index, element);});
If you want a jQuery less version that downloads the highest quality.
document.querySelectorAll('a[title^="Audio file"]').forEach(node => {
let sibling = node;
while (sibling.nextSibling) sibling = sibling.nextSibling;