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Are you going to publish 2.0 soon?

Open EvanFreeman opened this issue 10 years ago • 13 comments

I'm asking because I'd like to start using it and upgrading to Jasmine 2.0 =]

Thanks great job BTW.

EvanFreeman avatar Apr 24 '14 13:04 EvanFreeman

I could use some help testing. If you want to try it out right now you can use npm install -g [email protected] Let me know how it goes. I think it's 99% there, just wanted some feedback before I fully published.

tebriel avatar Apr 24 '14 14:04 tebriel

I've been using 2.0.0 with my own branch of grunt-jasmine-node. No issues found so far after a few days of heavy use.

fiznool avatar Apr 25 '14 15:04 fiznool

@fiznool excellent, thanks!

tebriel avatar Apr 25 '14 15:04 tebriel

Yeah I've been upgrading seems to work fine nothing found yet.

EvanFreeman avatar May 18 '14 01:05 EvanFreeman

It works for me. Nice.

alippai avatar Jul 17 '14 16:07 alippai

Works for our team as well

henrytseng avatar Aug 26 '14 16:08 henrytseng

It would be helpful if the 2.0 branch could update the base Jasmine version (2.0.3 at present).

I came across this issue today, which was fixed in v2.0.1.

fiznool avatar Sep 01 '14 14:09 fiznool

@tebriel, is additional outside testing of the v2.0 branch needed before release?

hutson avatar Nov 12 '14 04:11 hutson

Upping this. It's been months :/

Shahor avatar Dec 01 '14 15:12 Shahor

Jasmine now supports a node runner natively, I'd suggest using this instead. http://jasmine.github.io/2.2/node.html

fiznool avatar Mar 03 '15 08:03 fiznool

@fiznool Is that the only documentation? Seems sparse.

aleclarson avatar Mar 29 '15 06:03 aleclarson

@aleclarson yes it is pretty sparse. Check out https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine-npm for a bit more info.

fiznool avatar Mar 29 '15 07:03 fiznool

@aleclarson The link for the fork is no longer valid

jlutzhbo avatar Aug 11 '15 18:08 jlutzhbo