Michael Dawson

Results 169 issues of Michael Dawson

Signed-off-by: Michael Dawson

Based on the discussion in https://github.com/nodejs/build/issues/2540 on arm support for windows I think giving access to the build-release-windows-arm64 - https://ci.nodejs.org/view/All/job/build-release-windows-arm64/ makese sense. I think the build team governance allows us...

access request

We've had trouble recreating a CI failure in https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/issues/1150. While it seems to occur regularly in CI runs on debian 8, we can't recreate locally. I'd like to request temporary...

Added node-test-commit-arm-debug job to node-test-commit as next step in: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/41209. It's configured to only run the build/test > 17, and otherwise just pass as a job. Will close this once...

I had to drop 1804 out of the node-addon ci due to the kernel levels of the release binaries for main/18. I noticed we don't have any 2004 that I...

While updating certificates I found that it looks like our old ci-release server is still running at We should double check that machine is no longer needed and de-commission.

Michael Felt currently is an IBM employee who will retire at the end of this month. He plans to continue his assistance to the OSUOSL system after his retirement. He...

access request
never stale

Milad Farazmand works at IBM with me and need access to the z/OS machines in order to investigate: https://github.com/nodejs/build/issues/1685, I think he meets the requirements for temporary access in: https://github.com/nodejs/build/blob/master/doc/process/special_access_to_build_resources.md...

access request
never stale

As part of the social media program there was some discussion on giving out gift certificates for the Node.js store. I think a program that applied across all of the...

References to non-Node specific processes would be useful as additional context/resources.