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Pi4J Kotlin bindings for the Raspberry Pi GPIO.


Pi4J Kotlin bindings.
Awesome Kotlin Badge


Make sure to check Examples.kt.

fun blink() = digitalOutput(GPIO_01) {
    while (true) {
  • Pulse:
  • Triggers:
val input = digitalInput(GPIO_04)
val output = digitalOutput(GPIO_05)
input.trigger(output) //output is HIGH when input is HIGH.
// input.trigger(output, whenState = PinState.LOW, targetState = PinState.HIGH) //output is HIGH when input is LOW.
  • Pulse triggers:
val input = digitalInput(GPIO_04)
val output = digitalOutput(GPIO_05)
input.triggerPulse(output, PinState.HIGH, millis = 1000) //when input is HIGH, output is HIGH for 1 second
  • State change listeners:
digitalInput(GPIO_06).onStateChange { event, edge, state -> println(state) }
  • PWM
pwm(clockDivisor = 500, mode = PWM_MODE_MS, range = 1000)
pwmOutput(GPIO_01, 400)
  • Software PWM
softPwmOutput(GPIO_01, 400)
  • Analog counterparts are also available.

  • When done with gpio, housekeeping is necessary;



Tests were simulated on my machine using the PI4J_PLATFORM=Simulated Environment variable.
However, I was not able to mock/test AnalogPins bindings. Contributions are always welcome.


  • Gradle

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add the dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.mhashim6:Pi4K:0.1'

  • Maven

Add the dependency:
