ddf-pipeline copied to clipboard
extraction beamtimes issue
Where running the extract pipeline with the new software I get the error below.
- 11:44:02 - ClassJones [4.7/7.2 7.9/10.5 39.8Gb] Loading solution file /net/lofar8/data2/shimwell/extraction/workingdir/ACT-CLJ2333.1+0349/P353+06/SOLSDIR/L765101_SB001_uv_12F24A405t_121MHz.pre-cal.ms/killMS.DDS3_full_smoothed.sols.npz
- 11:44:07 - ClassJones [5.7/7.2 8.9/10.5 40.0Gb] Getting Jones frequency domains from solutions file
- 11:44:08 - AsyncProcessPool [5.7/7.2 8.9/10.5 40.0Gb] process io00: exception raised processing job DATA:0:0: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Other/AsyncProcessPool.py", line 873, in _dispatch_job
result = call(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Data/ClassVisServer.py", line 615, in _handler_LoadVisChunk
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Data/ClassJones.py", line 180, in InitDDESols
DicoSols, TimeMapping, DicoClusterDirs = self.MakeSols("killMS", DATA, quiet=quiet)
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Data/ClassJones.py", line 322, in MakeSols
DicoClusterDirs_killMS, DicoSols = self.GiveKillMSSols()
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Data/ClassJones.py", line 506, in GiveKillMSSols
DicoClusterDirs, DicoSols, VisToJonesChanMapping = self.GiveKillMSSols_SingleFile(
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Data/ClassJones.py", line 843, in GiveKillMSSols_SingleFile
File "/usr/local/src/DDFacet/DDFacet/Data/ClassJones.py", line 585, in ReadNPZ
self.BeamTimes_kMS = (DicoSolsFile["BeamTimes"]["t0"]+DicoSolsFile["BeamTimes"]["t1"])/2
IndexError: only integers, slices (
), ellipsis (...
), numpy.newaxis (None
) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
Yes, we discovered this problem a little while ago. The old software still works. I assume it's incompatibility in the solutions files....
Yeh indeed, old software and new pipeline does the trick nicely. Those changes you put in to deal with both new and old software are very nice!
I'm leaving this open with the 'new version' flag because when we start using new DDF versions we're going to have to put a fix in. (This is I think the same thing that Cyril had to fix with the DynSpecMS reprocessing.)