max-hardware-library copied to clipboard
Library of utility objects for MaxMSP aimed at interacting with electronics hardware like Arduino
It is unclear to me from the docs how to send data from Max to a BLE characteristic, or if this is supported in the current version. I am working...
`max-ble` is crashing on Big Sur and this appears to be down to a missing `NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription` key in Max's `Info.plist`.
Arduino Notification help patcher lists the sketch location as `~/Documents/Max 8/Packages/max-ble/extras/ble-notify` and not `"~/Documents/Max 8/Packages/Max Hardware Library/extras/ble-notify"`
Hello, Thank you for making this available. I would like to explore the possibilities to send sensor data to max wirelesslyI am familiar with wired serial communication between Arduino and...