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Training materials for students to create Fullstack Flutter Firebase applications

Full-stack app with Flutter and Firebase Workshop

The repository is supposed to be used for the my workshops.


  • Part 1

    • Introduction to Flutter & Dart
      • Basics of Dart (All student must be on the same page)
      • Basics of Flutter (All student must be comfortable with Flutter)
        • Stateless vs Stateful widgets
      • Show tips and tricks to speed up the development within a few minutes
    • Creating MJ Coffee app
      • Introduction to Flutter CLI
      • Scaffold the project
      • Add SVG support
      • Adding Google Fonts
      • Adding Navigator (go_router and why to use it)
      • Adding Screen
        • Homepage
          • Adding Assets
          • Adding Texts
          • Adding Buttons
          • Adding onTap action
        • Menu
          • Adding List
          • Adding onTap action to redirect to details page
            • Add Buy button
          • Tips and Tricks
        • Profile
          • Add logout button

  • Part 2

    • Add Firebase
      • Create project in Firebase
      • Setup Firebase for both Android and iOS, possibly (Web)
    • Add Firebase analytics
      • Add FlutterFire Core
      • Add FlutterFire Analytics
      • Explain why Analytics is important
      • Tips and Tricks
    • Securing Flutter
      • Adding authentication to Flutter
      • Adding Firebase Authentication plugin
      • Setup Social buttons

  • Part 3

    • Add FireStore
      • Add Cloud_FireStore plugin
      • Introduction to NoSQL
      • Basic of Cloud_FireStore
      • Add list of coffees to fireStore from firebase dashboard
      • Read List of coffees
        • Introduction to json_serializable
        • Introduction to FutureBuilder and StreamBuilder
      • Write to firebase
        • Implement buy coffee
        • Implement order history
      • Introduction to permission in FireStore
        • securing write and read data

  • Part 4

    • Cloud Functions

      • Write your backend code in the cloud (Serverless)
        • Prepare your project
        • Add your first function
        • Deploy
      • Integrate Cloud function with FireStore
        • Trigger function on certain events
      • Add Cloud Functions intro Flutter
        • call functions from Flutter
    • Cloud Storage

      • Adding Cloud Storage to Flutter
        • Upload photo
        • Read photo

Part 5

  • Cloud messaging
    • Handling push messages
  • In-app messaging
    • handling in-app messages
  • Remote Config
    • Adding Remote config as feature flag feature
  • Adding crashlytics
    • handle crashes and bugs

Part 6

  • Adding Unit tests
    • Introduction to Flutter Test
    • Stubbing and Mocking
  • Adding Widget Tests
    • Introduction to writing widgets test in Flutter
  • Adding Integration test
    • Introduction to integration_test package
  • Firebase Test lab
    • Run Test in the cloud in different devices