JSErrorCollector copied to clipboard
JavaScriptError.readErrors(driver) always fails
I'm using WebDriver to start Firefox. Then I use SikuliX to send keystrokes and mouse clicks. After, I try to collect all errors by using:
The result is always:
NoSuchWindowException Browsing context has been discarded
even though I haven't called driver.close()
How can I capture errors?
More info:
Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: true, browserName: firefox, browserVersion: 66.0.5,
javascriptEnabled: true, moz:accessibilityChecks: false, moz:geckodriverVersion: 0.24.0,
moz:headless: false, moz:processID: 2248, moz:profile: /tmp/rust_mozprofile.4rGV9F...,
moz:shutdownTimeout: 60000, moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin: false,
moz:webdriverClick: true, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platform: LINUX,
platformName: LINUX, platformVersion: 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64, rotatable: false,
setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false,
timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000},
unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify}
- CentOS 7
- Firefox 66.0.5
- Java WebDriver 3.141.59
- Java 8
- JSErrorCollector 0.5-atlassian-2
This trace could provide a hint of what is going on:
File /tmp/rust_mozprofile.QWClT5upzfGf/extensions/[email protected] does not contain a valid manifest(resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIInstall.jsm:557:11) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:557:11
[email protected]:186:3
[email protected]:620:10
[email protected]:2340:21
[email protected]:2700:21
[email protected]:2570:34
[email protected]:2148:25
[email protected]:203:12
[email protected]:652:5
[email protected]:805:9
[email protected]:2775:5
[email protected]:66:9